Parents: Enroll your child into 2 Step Login.

We believe that safety and privacy is a fundamental human right, and it starts with you—and your child.

Club Penguin Legacy was formed with safety and security at the forefront of our minds. Our team comes from a rich background of experience; dedicated to creating immersive experiences for people of all ages. With our extensive background, we've been able to create Club Penguin Legacy into one of the safest platforms for your child to play.

Our biggest priority is to ensure a safe, secure environment for our players to waddle around and meet new friends—this is something we are never willing to compromise. We hold ourselves to the highest standard when ensuring that Club Penguin Legacy is upholding the same principles that the original game once maintained.

A golden moderator badge representing safety and security

Community Guidelines & Rules

Read our up-to-date Community Guidelines and Gameplay Rules that all of our players are expected to follow when playing our game.

Read Community Rules
A padlock icon on a white background

Privacy Policy

Club Penguin Legacy believes that privacy is vital to securing a better tomorrow; please read our most recent Privacy Policy and our data security procedures.

Read Privacy Policy
A teddy bear icon representing children and child safety

Children's Privacy Policy

The safety of children is at the heart of all we do, and we go to great lengths to maintain a child-friendly community. Please view our Children's Privacy Policy for more.

Read Children's Privacy Policy
A globe icon with the state of California at the center

California Privacy Disclosure

We've prepared this policy to assist California users in better understanding our privacy processes. Please click the button below to be redirected to our California Privacy Disclosure.

Read California Privacy Disclosure
The mailbox icon in a white background

Terms of Service

With the extension of our Community Guidelines and Rules, all of our users are expected to follow our Terms of Service in order to use this site. Click the button below to read.

Read Terms of Service
A silhouette of a Penguin outlined in black on a white background representing accessibility

Accessibility Principles

We're working hard to make Club Penguin Legacy accessible to everyone by following A11Y and WCAG guidelines. Continue reading by clicking the button below.

Read Accessibility Principles
A sick blue Penguin with a bag of ice over their head

General Health Notice

Read this page to find out what to do if you are having health problems as a result of using Club Penguin Legacy. Please click the button below and find out possible solutions.

Read General Health Notice

Online Safety Tips for Kids

We believe that online can be a place for dreamers, curious imaginations, vivid shapeshifting realities; a place where everyone can come and unite, from all over the world. The internet can be an amazing place if everyone is respectful, speaks up, and stays safe.

Be Cool Online — Respect Others
• Treat people how you want to be treated
• Avoid words that might offend others
• If you wouldn't say it out loud, don't say it online

Club Penguin Legacy is Committed to Safety
• There are filters to help block inappropriate chat
• There are tons of crazy emotes to help express yourself

Be Heard Online — Speak Up
• If you see anything you're not comfortable with, tell someone you trust right away
• Don’t share personal info with anyone
• Make sure your parents know what you're doing online

Club Penguin Legacy is Committed to Safety
• There are moderators around the clock to help keep you safe
• If someone’s breaking the rules, click the M on their Player Card
• You can ignore/block another penguin anytime you want

Be Safe Online — Protect Personal Information
• Keep your name, age, address, phone number, and school top secret
• Only share passwords with parents - don't even tell your best friends!
• Pick usernames that don't give away personal info

Club Penguin Legacy is Committed to Safety
• To keep safe, we don't allow players to type numbers
• Moderators have to approve your chatting privileges
• Moderators approve all penguin names

Online Safety Tips for Parents

Just like in the real world, parents should always monitor their child's activity online and their experiences. It's always better when you're aware, curious, and engaged. There's so much we can do to keep your child safe online, we believe that it is also the parent or guardian's dutiful responsibility to do their part.

Be Aware
• Install filters to protect your child from inappropriate websites.
• Keep tabs on your child’s internet use. Make sure you know what sites your child visits, how much time he or she spends on them, and whom your child is communicating with.

Be Curious
• Set limits for screen time to have a balance with real world connections.
• Put the family computer in a public place in your home, such as a kitchen or family room, to encourage an open dialogue and discourage unwanted online behavior.
• Consider not allowing your child to have any connected devices, such as a smartphone, laptop computer, or tablet, in private areas of your home, like a bedroom or bathroom.

Be Engaged
• Keep the conversation going. Start talking with your child at an early age about online use and continue the dialogue as your child gets older.
• Know any passwords that your child uses, and explain that they shouldn’t be shared with friends.

Our commitment is to your safety, security and privacy.

We feel it is our responsibility to establish and maintain a safe environment and community  in which everyone may engage in and enjoy games together. With so much content available online, it is vital and imperative to provide a welcoming and safe environment for everyone.

To maintain a safe and secure environment, Club Penguin Legacy partners and collaborates with international organizations and charities, as well as local law enforcement. We will never sell your information to third parties as we believe privacy is a human right, not a privilege.