What's happening next on our roadmap?
Hiya Penguins,
Woah, it's been way too long since our last What's New Blog Post! We've got so many things to talk about, from the latest safety and security features to new game updates. This blog post will cover some of the most essential topics from our latest Patch Notes which can be found here, while also diving into some other topics like what's to come in the near future.
While we've been stuck in a limbo the past few weeks, patiently waiting for news regarding the game, much like yourselves, we couldn't help ourselves but take the time to improve our game and also add new features. Our team is very passionate as you can tell, and we simply couldn't go a day without working on the game and improving the experience!
Sit tight it's going to be a pretty long blog post!
Safety and Security Updates
As you already may know, safety and security is the utmost priority for our team, and replicating the safety features that the original game once upheld is our focus. Our vision for Club Penguin Legacy is to be the safest place for everyone to waddle around and meet new friends. Because of this, during our downtime we continued to work with the anticipation of being able to reopen - Our entire team is fully passionate in delivering a safe and secure experience for you to play, and creating and imagining new things is part of our team's culture, even if no one is online!
Here are some of the brand new safety and security changes that we've made which will surely benefit every single Penguin that waddles around our snowy island.
Ignore a Penguin
Our original Ignore Penguins feature needed a bit of an upgrade. In the original game, Ignore Penguins only hid messages in the early versions of the game before the switch to a more modern infrastructure. Our game was built around the older version of Club Penguin, which meant our legacy version of Ignore a Penguin was based off the older version.
We've since then upgraded the Ignore a Penguin feature to hide Penguins altogether, including their messages. This should definitely be a stepping stone in avoiding Penguins who are bothering you. Simply click their Player Card and then click the "skull" icon. This will hide the Penguin and you will no longer see them in-game or their messages.
If you also change your mind at any time, you can unignore the Penguin and you'll be able to see them and their messages again. Remember that you cannot play any minigames or visit Igloos of a Penguin you've ignored.
Report a Penguin
We've also upgraded our Report a Penguin system to be completely in-game rather than the legacy version which redirected you to our Support Page. We've heard everyone's feedback on how the previous system worked and decided it needed a much needed facelift. It is now easier for you to report Penguins that are breaking our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines and Gameplay Rules. This should help with moderation and our new Trust and Safety Team to take appropriate action quicker.
Remember, when you report a Penguin, our Trust and Safety team will receive your report instantly. Once you've reported a Penguin, we recommend that you ignore them as well so that you won't be bothered by them.
Clear Chat
We believe that this new feature will completely change the moderation in our game. Now, our Trust and Safety team is able to clear everyone's chats in a room if a message somehow got past our highly trained automated chat moderation tools. Hopefully you'll never have to see this feature, but it's a new way for more active moderation and keeping our Penguins safe on the island.
Safe Chat
Borrowed heavily from the original game, parents can now set their child's Parental Controls and Safe Chat options when creating a new Penguin or through the Parental Controls setting in the Game Options. You'll have to verify your identity in order to access these tools. If you are unable to change them, please contact our Support Team for help. Here are the following options available for the Safe Chat system:
- Complete Safe Chat: You won't be able to view or send any messages in-game
- Ultimate Safe Chat (RECOMMENDED): You'll be able to see and send preset messages that we've approved in-game.
- Standard Safe Chat: You'll be able to send any message and view other Penguin's messages that they send
With this, we've also added new internal chat changes that will reflect Standard Safe Chat modes which will further improve the safety and security of our moderation. We use the best automated chat solutions that there is to offer. The same system that the original game used, and is now being used by other family-friendly platforms such as Roblox and Supercell. We take safety extremely seriously and hold ourselves to the highest standard.
What's Coming?
We're currently working on and testing a number of other safety and security features that will arrive in the next couple weeks such as Two Step Verification and Connection History. We'll send an updated Patch Notes along with instructions on how to enable these features when they are available.
Island Updates
We've taken the last few days to really update some of our Gameplay features and general Island updates. We're not gonna go over every detail of our most recent update. For a more comprehensive breakdown, make sure to check out our latest Patch Notes at https://support.cplegacy.com/hc/en-us/articles/13246715227405-v-2-7-227-Patchnotes
We will however, go over some of our biggest updates so far.
All New Settings Menu
We've completely redone our in-game Settings to make it more modern and true to today's gaming experience. You can find a bunch of new options to play around with, including the all-new Minimizable Dock feature which is included in the Visual settings option. Here's how it looks:
Along with this brand new feature, you can now toggle Fullscreen which is helpful to those playing on a console or a mobile device. And also brand new Accessibility features that will help those who are visually impaired, such as the ability to increase the size of messages and also viewing tooltips in your Player Card and Igloo inventory. You can also silence notifications that you'll receive in-game and an all-new Reduced Motion setting which will help Penguins who are playing on lower-end machines. This will help boost your performance.
Speaking of performance, while we work to complete our High Performance mode which we introduced later last year, you can also try a combination of new settings that will help improve performance on lower-end devices. By enabling both Reduced Motion and Hide Penguins, it will significantly improve your overall playing experience. These settings are useful for in-game events such as concerts or other quests that you'll have to complete in-game. Be sure to check them out while also enabling Hardware Acceleration on your browser if you can. If you need help doing so, you can view this handy Support article: https://support.cplegacy.com/hc/en-us/articles/13157171758349-Increasing-Performance-Guide
Fun little easter egg: You can view the game's FPS by typing "FPS" on your keyboard.
A WHOLE lot of Jokes and also TOURS!
It's been a plan from us to redo our Tour Quiz and Tour Guide system since last year, we were finally able to get this project finished while we were waiting for news surrounding the game. When we first introduced our Tour Guide system, it was rushed and also incomplete. We took the time to completely redo our Tour Guide Quiz which makes it more fun, challenging, and interactive for everyone!
The tough news we have to share with this is that everyone will have to retake the Tour Guide Quiz to earn their status as an official Club Penguin Tour Guide. This is due to missing and incomplete features that have since then been added which will now support future releases such as monthly Postcard payouts and the ability to give tours and Work for Coins. We hope you understand this inconvenience and we apologize. But, you can now go to the Ski Village to take the quiz, and there will be all-new activity stamps surrounding Tour Guides coming soon! Be sure to take the Quiz as soon as you can.
While reworking our Tour Guide system, we've also added a bunch of new Jokes for you to tell to your friends and other Penguins around the island. Have a laugh-tastic time!
Create a Penguin
If you've been following our Development stories last year, we've had our mind set on a brand new Create a Penguin since the Fall. We're super excited to announce that with our new Safety and Security updates, we were finally able to finish and release our new Create a Penguin which looks a lot nicer and cleaner and should allow you to easily create a new Penguin and also have fun doing it!
To create a new Penguin, simply navigate to https://cplegacy.com/register or https://play.cplegacy.com and click the "Create a Penguin" button that you'll see on the left side of the start screen. From there you should be able to create a brand new Penguin. If you're having issues, be sure to contact our Support Team and they'll be able to help you out.
Surveys and Newsletters
We're making an effort to increase the sticky mechanics of our game. Because of this, you can now opt in for special Newsletters that we'll send through the email that you've registered your Penguin with. You can enable this setting in the new Gameplay Settings menu or while you're creating a Penguin.
To opt out of Newsletters, you can simply press the "Opt Out" button if you're opted in for Newsletters. Remember, we'll never sell your personal information and if you need more information, you can always read our Privacy Policy on how we deal with your sensitive information. View it here: https://cplegacy.com/privacy. For Parents who are interested in how we deal with your child's privacy, we have a separate policy here at https://cplegacy.com/childrens-privacy
We are also introducing a brand new feature called "Receive Surveys". If you've opted in for this setting, it will allow you to receive in-game settings of existing or new features implemented onto the game. This will allow you to give us valuable feedback on what to improve and how we can improve it. By completing these surveys you will also receive Coin or item rewards. If you're interested in getting your voice out there and helping directly influence the decisions we make for the game, ENABLE THIS SETTING! We hope that these new features will increase our overall transparency and communication with you all.
What's next?
Now that our Development Team is back and we're fully back in operation and have put the last month behind us, we can fully focus our effort in creating the most safe and secure game we can imagine. Our focus for 2023 still remains steadfast in our aspiration and goal in continuing to be a safe and secure environment and we make daily improvements to accomplish our goals. Expect much more safety and security changes along with new quality of life improvements to our game.
We've also taken the time to improve our team's culture and become more organized, we hope that this year, release dates and schedules will be more concise and accurate as we've hired a new Quality Assurance Manager to keep our teams focused and realistic. You can also view our team's progress in tracking Bugs and Issues relating to the game here: https://catchwav.es/communitybugs which will be updated by our new QA Manager.
While our team has always been as professional as we can be, we're taking it a step further this year.
There won't be a party to wrap up the month of February but you should definitely expect a big extravaganza that will be arriving later in March. We can't share much at the current moment but expect multiple events. Something EXTREMELY silly and also a return of something beloved. More news will be shared closer to its release and when our team feels fully comfortable in unveiling our upcoming releases.
Penguin of the Week and Art Wall Contributions
Yes! Penguin of the Week will finally be returning after a long hiatus. Our Penguin of the Week posts will be delivered to you every Monday and you can now nominate a Penguin for the Penguin of the Week honors. You can fill out this form every week and we will look at and consider every single submission. Here's the link to nominate: https://catchwav.es/PoTW. As always, Penguin of the Week recipients can earn up to 5000 coins in addition to the Penguin of the Week Background and Green Viking Helmet.
The Art Wall Contributors Program will also continue as scheduled, we'll work to update the Art Wall for next week and we are still taking submissions here at https://catchwav.es/Artwork. If you haven't already, make sure you submit your artwork by this Sunday to be considered for next week's Penguin Art Wall refresh! Penguin Art Wall Contributors can earn up to 2500 Coins and the shiny Penguin Art Wall Contributors pin.
Community Events
Community Events will also be something we are continuing this year and we are still looking into making a variety of improvements toward Community Events, making it easier to submit and track events and a fully-revamped submission form. We'll be taking in all submissions for next week's Community Event refresh which happens every Monday. Be sure to log into the game, head to the Lakeside to fill out your Community Event submissions!
Another new feature that we silently added is when the community event board is updated, you'll automatically be teleported to the Lakeside. We will eventually add a option that will disable this in the new Gameplay Settings menu. With this new feature, we've retired the Puffle notification icon on the map.
Note: We expect a lot of duplicate community events such as "Welcome Back Parties". To increase your odds of your event being accepted, be sure that your community event is as unique as possible.
Penguin Style and Better Igloos Catalogs
We've decided to skip February's Penguin Style and Better Igloos catalogs in order for us to get back on track with the release and rollout of catalogs. Penguin Styles' traditionally release on the first or second week of the new month and the Better Igloos catalogs along with new Igloo Music arrive the week after. We hope you understand our approach and we'll see you all in March for a really big Penguin Style refresh. Expect lots of new items and loads of secrets.
Penguin Stage and a new PLAY!
LIGHTS! CAMERA! ...AND ACTION! Not to worry, we are working toward a new Stage Play before this month wraps up, but we need your help! We'll be hosting a community poll on our Twitter page (https://twitter.com/CPLegacyTeam) and you can decide which Stage Play you'd like to see for the month of February and March. We'll provide you with a few options and you can be the one that ultimately decides our next Stage Play.
Legal Disclaimer: Club Penguin Legacy is not affiliated, endorsed, sponsored with Twitter, Inc. ("Twitter"). Separate Terms of Service and Privacy Policy will apply. You must be 13 years or older in order to participate.
Wrapping Up
Whew! That was a lot of writing for my flippers. Thank you again everyone for your incredible support during our hiatus. We were patiently waiting alongside you, hopeful, and hearing your caring and heartfelt words of encouragement and optimism was enough to help raise our spirits and continue working on the game, despite the hiatus and ongoing pause.
We're beyond thrilled to welcome everyone back to our snowy island, and we can't wait to see you all online and experiencing our newest round of changes. Thank you again, for allowing us to create a place that you can call home and we will continue to work in good faith to preserve your memories of Club Penguin and also provide a safe haven to create new ones. We believe that Club Penguin is more than just a game, it's a cultural touchstone and an institution that has inspired millions of future generations.
We will continue our effort to keeping the world of Club Penguin alive for you all, and ultimately inspire Disney to revive this beautiful place we call home.
Until then... Waddle on!
- Club Penguin Legacy Team