The Halloween Party Is Here!
Hello, penguins!
It is officially the spookiest time of year! The Halloween Party has arrived on the island! Our team has been working very hard to make this year’s festivities very enjoyable for everybody! As always, there are some key things to talk about, so let’s get started.
Island Quests, Stamps & Mascots
Let’s start with the basics. As with just about every party, island quests are available to complete and stamps are able to be earned. For this party, there will be 16 Island Quests available. Whenever you finish a quest, you will earn coins. The more difficult the quest, the more coins you will receive. Here is a little guide to help:
- Easy Quests: 50 coins (Green)
- Medium Quests: 100 coins (Yellow)
- Hard Quests: 150 coins (Blue)
- Extreme Quests: 350 coins (Red)
When you complete all the quests, you’ll earn a very cool prize that has never been seen on the island before! Be sure to get other fellow penguins ready so you can all get a better chance at earning it!
During the party, you will also be able to earn stamps. These include Explorer, Happy Room, Party Puzzle, Path Finder, and Party Maestro. Not only that, we’re introducing brand new stamps during this party! These will be the Monster Mash, Music Maestro, and Trick-or-Treat stamps. You’ll also be able to earn stamps by meeting the mascots of this party: Gary and Rookie. Both of which will have brand new giveaways for players to collect! There will be both random and scheduled meetups, the latter of which will be announced in the near future.
Haunted House
Just like last year, the Haunted House will be returning! This is a nice little party room filled with all kinds of secrets. I hear there is even an Island Quest about these secrets! There will also be a brand new free item in the room, so be sure to grab it!
Dark Chamber
The Dark Chamber will be returning as well this year. These sets of rooms are divided into three parts. The Dark Swamp, the Dark Chamber (of course), and the Monster Room. The Dark Swamp contains a musical puzzle, which is where players will be able to earn the new Music Maestro stamp. The Dark Chamber is a set of two mazes that players will have to navigate, which is where players will be able to earn the Path Finder stamp. Lastly, there is the Monster Room, where players will be rewarded with a full catalog of items and even some piles of candy!
Haunted Mansion
This right here is the big one! Beginning with an update later in the party, the Haunted Mansion will be making its debut for this year’s Halloween Party. This mansion is owned by none other than Gary the Gadget Guy’s great uncle, Gariwald VIII! There are nine different rooms to see in this place. Players will have to search this scary property for different keys. Each key has a different puzzle, so make sure you think outside the box! Once all the keys are collected, player’s will be able to grab Ghost Goggles from the giant chest in the Foyer and be led to a mysterious hidden room. I hear that this room will also have a catalog filled with all sorts of items. Along with that, something incredible is hidden away in there. A ghost transformation device known as the Ghostmatron! Here, players will be able to transform into ghosts! Incredible, right?
Halloween Igloo Contest & Community Events
Lastly, there will be a Halloween Igloo Contest coming real soon! The details will be announced in an upcoming separate blog post, but we wanted to let you all know in advance so you can begin planning! We also hope to see some great community event submissions during this party. If you wish to do so, head on over to the Lakeside event board and submit an event! Otherwise, you can simply use this link:
Wrapping Up
That just about covers the “key” topics… get it? One day you’ll laugh at a joke of mine. The Halloween Party will be here from today until Monday, November 6. We hope everybody enjoys it and that you all had a great time with Wayback. There is still plenty more to come before the end of the year! We thank you all so much for your never-ending support. Happy Halloween!
Until next time… waddle on!
- Club Penguin Legacy Team