Penguin of the Week #73
Hello, penguins!
We hope you all enjoyed the Winter Fiesta! I sure know Cadence did! It was a wonderfully festive week and it was great to put on a little party for everybody. Now, it’s time to shift our focus to the next upcoming party, and our new Penguin Style catalog should give you guys an implication on what that party is. It is none other than… the Underwater Expedition! That’s right! We’ll be heading to the depths of the sea to uncover some real cool sights. I hear a certain propellered penguin is planning the festivities as we speak…
While they’ve been planning the party, I’ve been planning the new Penguin of the Week! Who’s it gonna be this time around? Let’s see!
This week’s penguin… er sorry… I mean crab, is a very active member of our community. Since joining our snowy island, they have been patiently waiting for a certain costume to make its way to the public. With the new Penguin Style catalog releasing, their wish finally came true. They had a very strong presence during our Winter Fiesta, and I’m sure it is only going to increase with the Underwater Expedition. They have proven themselves to be a very kind and conversational player, so if you see them waddling (or crab walking) around, be sure to say hi!
Congratulations RinDaCrab! You are this week’s recipient of Penguin of the Week! Enjoy your very well-deserved Green Viking Helmet, Penguin of the Week Background, and 5,000 coins!
Do you want to have the chance of being featured as a Penguin of the Week like RinDaCrab? Just be yourself in spreading positivity to the island and your kindness will not go unnoticed! See someone on the island that you believe should be our next Penguin of the Week? You can submit your nominations using the following form:
Note: In order to become a Penguin of the Week, you must have a clean account history with no recent outstanding infractions within the last 60 days.
Our team will review all submissions closer to the start of the new week and will decide based on the nominations you provide us!
Until next week, Waddle on!
- Hot Autumn
Club Penguin Legacy Team