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Penguin of the Week #54

Penguin of the Week #54

Testing… testing… Hello, penguins!

I’m a little rusty at this, so please bear with me! I hope you all have been enjoying this month’s new edition of the Penguin Style catalog. It has been quite a bit of time since the last edition, June to be exact! We’re very excited to finally have some new outfits out for everybody and even more happy that we’re currently on track to providing frequent updates once again. I hear that new Igloo Catalogs are quickly on the horizon as well…

If you didn’t already guess what’s upon us from the new fashion, this month’s party is none other than The Fair! When we celebrated this party last October, it was a huge success! Your favorite games, such as Puffle Paddle, will be returning. Along with this, there will be some awesome new prizes to earn. I also hear that not one, but TWO familiar faces could be waddling around during the festivities! Make sure you keep an eye out!

However, it’s now time for the main focus of this post, which is to recognize yet another incredible penguin as the island’s newest Penguin of the Week! Without further ado, let’s get right into the announcement!

Today we recognize a penguin who has been a long-time member of our community. Since their first days on the island, they have been known to be quite the friendly face. Whether it’s with buddies or brand new players, they are sure to provide a smile and make you feel very welcome. If you’re looking for a good time, you can often find them in their igloo hosting events for fellow penguins to enjoy, such as their very own rendition of a medieval party or even an airplane flight as shown above!

They are also quite the collector, obtaining a vast variety of items, such as our very first pin: the Yellow Balloon! They have even managed to achieve the top spot on one of our game leaderboards, earning themselves the Top of the Charts stamp and Trophy! And of course, if you’re looking for tips to become skilled as well, they will certainly lend a flipper in helping you out!

Congratulations Thomas! You are this week’s recipient of Penguin of the Week! Enjoy your very well-deserved Green Viking Helmet, Penguin of the Week Background, and 5,000 coins!

Do you want to have the chance of being featured as a Penguin of the Week like Thomas? Just be yourself in spreading positivity to the island and your kindness will not go unnoticed! See someone on the island that you believe should be our next Penguin of the Week? You can submit your nominations using the following form:

Note: In order to become a Penguin of the Week, you must have a clean account history with no recent outstanding infractions within the last 60 days.

‍ Our team will review all submissions closer to the start of the new week and will decide based on the nominations you provide us!

Until next week, Waddle on!

- Hot Autumn

Club Penguin Legacy Team