
What's New?

Penguin of the Week #44

Penguin of the Week #44

Hi Penguins,

Summer has officially kicked off this week! This is the last week of June, time flies when you're having fun! Speaking of fun, this week we'll be holding a Summer Kickoff! Event, similar to last year. Are you ready to soak in the water and summer fun? I sure am! Make sure you visit the island this Friday, June 30 to hang out with your friends and build snow castles and sit on the Mega Whale for 24 hours straight.

For now, let's talk about this week's Penguin of the Week! This Penguin has been extremely helpful to others around the island since the very beginning, whether it be helping others get the latest Pin or earn stamps, or even keeping track of how many times a mascot has visited the island. They are the island's expert tour guide and know all the ins and outs of things to do around the island and the history surrounding it. They are the most deserving of the shiny green helmet this week.

Congratulations Hermbeurg! You are this week’s recipient of Penguin of the Week! Enjoy your very well-deserved Green Viking Helmet, Penguin of the Week Background, and 5,000 coins!

Do you want to have the chance of being featured as a Penguin of the Week like Hermbeurg? Just be yourself in spreading positivity to the island and your kindness will not go unnoticed! See someone on the island that you believe should be our next Penguin of the Week? You can submit your nominations using the following form:

Note: In order to become a Penguin of the Week, you must have a clean account history with no recent outstanding infractions within the last 60 days.

Our Team will review all submissions closer to the start of the new week and will decide based on the nominations you provide us!

Until next week, Waddle on!

- Joey
Club Penguin Legacy Team