
What's New?

Penguin of the Week #22

Penguin of the Week #22

Bonjour Penguins,

It's that time of the week again, consistency is a key, and y'know what that means? A brand new Penguin of the Week selection!

You can always find this fellow Penguin lurking somewhere around the island, their bright and cheerful energy is always something to get inspired by. This week's Penguin of the Week goes to... bonjourcp!

Congratulations! Enjoy your well-earned Green Viking Helmet, Penguin of the Week Background, and 10,000 coins!

Do you want to have the chance of being featured as a Penguin of the Week like bonjourcp?

Be yourself in game, spreading positivity and being helpful to others, and it won't go unnoticed!

Remember, the GREATEST Snow Maze begins tomorrow! Until next week, Waddle on!

Au Revoir,
- Joey
Club Penguin Legacy Team