
What's New?

Mission: Get Jet (Chapter 1) has arrived!

Mission: Get Jet (Chapter 1) has arrived!

Hi Penguins,

Our most ambitious, story-driven party has arrived to our snowy island. We're calling it Mission: Get Jet.

If you haven't already followed the story, a group of Penguins, along with Jet Pack Guy has mysterious vanished in the Tall Tree Woodlands. The phone has rung and you've picked it up, your assignment is to locate and bring these Penguins back to safety. Along your journey, you'll encounter new discoveries, mysteries to solve, and so much more.

In order to participate in Mission: Get Jet, you'll need to be a PSA Agent. For this party, we've waived the 60-day eligibility period to become a PSA Agent. Simply go to the Sport Shop in order to take your PSA Initiation Test. After the party, your PSA Agent status will stay with you. Now is a great time to take the PSA test if you haven't already due to Penguin age restrictions.

Once you've become a PSA Agent, simply head to the Ski Village to start your mission.

Puffle Handler Meetup

A gentle reminder that Puffle Handler will be visiting on 12/1 at 4 p.m. Penguin Standard Time. She'll be making your grand debut onto our snowy island with a new limited time background and pin. Make sure you don't miss out!

Chapter 2 Details

Chapter 2 of Mission: Get Jet will be releasing within the coming days. We've phased the release of this mission as it's a very story driven party, meaning we don't want certain story elements to be spoiled by those who haven't yet experienced the party. For now, you can get a head start on Chapter 1, meet mascots, buy the new items in the various catalogs, and collect the latest pin.

We're super excited to see how this party unfolds for everyone. Until then... Waddle on!

- Club Penguin Legacy Team