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Medieval Igloo Contest Winners!

Medieval Igloo Contest Winners!

Hi penguins!

The Medieval Igloo Contest was another successful contest, with 319 valid submissions! Thank you all for participating. Before we get to the Honorable Mentions and Top 3, we'd like to remind you that every single one of these valid participants will soon receive the "Igloo Architect" stamp for their Stamp Book. This stamp was obtainable by submitting an Igloo that is eligible for the contest by following all the rules and guidelines.

If you submitted an igloo and did not receive a stamp, it was unfortunately because your igloo was not qualified for the contest due to not following the rules and guidelines. If this was the case, do not worry, more Igloo Contests will be arriving in the future!

The Top 3 igloos will receive a special pin that you can showcase on your Player Card and/or Stamp Book. Your igloo will also soon be decorated with a banner to commemorate your wonderful achievement!

Now that all of the basics are covered, let's show our lovely honorable mentions. These are 12 incredible igloos that did not quite reach our Top 3, but still deserved to be shown here on the blog.

Honorable Mentions

Top 3 Igloos

Now that we've taken a look at some of the lovely creations of our honorable mentions, it's time to get to the best of the best! We're super excited to share the results with you all, be sure to congratulate these winners if you see them on the island.

Our Top 3 Selection for this Igloo Contest is miloud4 with their Castle Garden! Here’s what they had to say about it: “‘This is where the king rests with his family, the atmosphere is relaxing and calm. The gardeners take care of both the flowers and vegetables.” This was by far the most naturistic submission we received and it captured the magic of Medieval times so incredibly well! Congratulations on your Top 3 spot, miloud4!

Our Top 2 Selection and runner-up of this Igloo Contest is kttygrl with their own rendition of a Medieval Castle! Here’s what they had to say about it: “A castle fit for a king, queen, princess, and all of their riches! Two soldiers guard the castle, and beyond them is a moat which prevents villagers from sneaking in to steal treasure. The enchanted forest is my favorite spot for archery and making stew for the townsfolk.” It was really fascinating to see a deluxe castle carefully crafted out of furniture items. Every part of the kingdom was very well thought out. Congratulations on your Top 2 Spot, kttygrl!

Drum roll please... our grand prize winner for the Medieval Igloo Contest is… Tina! They created their very own Medieval Cottage! Each room of this estate has its own unique purpose. In the top left, you can see the elegant Princess Throne room. The top right showcases the dining room where delicious desserts are served. Then, outside on the bottom left, you have the hedge garden where you may practice archery if you wish. Lastly, on the bottom right, you have a blacksmith’s workshop where armor and weapons are carefully crafted. This igloo put so many different elements of Medieval times and combined it into one so efficiently, such an incredible job! Congratulations on winning the Medieval Igloo Contest, Tina!

Wrapping Up

That's all for now everyone! We thank you once again for participating in this Igloo Contest, we really enjoyed judging them and we hope you had just as much fun creating these Igloos. Be sure to be on the lookout for future Igloo Contests!

Until next time... Waddle on!

- Club Penguin Legacy Team