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Aunt Arctic's Article #4

Aunt Arctic's Article #4

Hello, penguins!

Welcome to another edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article. Last week, we interviewed our mystery guest for the Fashion Festival! It turns out that it was none other than Dot the Disguise Gal, and she had quite a bit to say about the festivities. This week, I caught up with her again to get some final details before the party begins!

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Fashion Festival Final Countdown!

The Fashion Festival is officially arriving this week! After about a month of preparation, penguins will finally be able to see what is quite possibly one of the most unique celebrations this island has ever had! I caught up with Dot to see if she could provide us with any more final crumbs of information before the party begins.

Aunt Arctic: Hello again, Dot. Thank you for agreeing to do another interview with me!

Dot: Of course, Aunt Arctic! Last week was so fun, and I’m sure this week will be no exception!

Aunt Arctic: Let’s address the puffle in the room, is there any new word on when the Fashion Festival will begin?

Dot: I can confidently say this week! Every morning I wake up with new ideas in my head, which is why preparation has been taking slightly longer than I had hoped. However, it is definitely coming this week.

Aunt Arctic: Fantastic! Party planning is hard work, so I completely understand. Do you have any more insight on the themes of the festival?

Dot: As I said last week, there will be seven themes for the Fashion Festival. These themes are Beach, Fancy, Fantasy, Futuristic, Rainbow, Silly, and Spooky! Each theme will have a room dedicated to its respective theme, along with a catalog that will have items relating to the theme.

Aunt Arctic: Wow! That’s a great variety of themes, I’m excited to see all the different creations made by penguins. How long will they have to submit for each theme?

Dot: Each theme will last two days, meaning that the party will be two whole weeks! There’s plenty of time to enjoy the festivities!

Aunt Arctic: Fantastic news! I know you don’t want to spoil too much, but is there anything else you wish to share before the festival begins?

Dot: Yes, actually! Rory gave me permission to show your readers another sneak peek of the festival!

Aunt Arctic: I love sneak peeks, thank you Dot! Also, thank you once again for partaking in another interview.

Dot: Anytime, Aunt Arctic! I can’t wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when this party finally arrives. It’s been in the making for a while now, so we hope you all enjoy it.

This sneak peek is from the Ski Village, which will be the home of the Rainbow theme! (The decorating committee has once again told me that the room is subject to changes prior to the start of the party.)

Ask Aunt Arctic

Dear Aunt Arctic,

What can you do in Club Penguin?

- slushhlol

Dear slushhlol,

The wonderful thing about Club Penguin is that the possibilities seem endless! You can purchase things such as clothes for your penguin and furniture for your igloo. To earn coins, you can partake in our many mini-games around the island. For the best results, I’d personally recommend Catchin’ Waves at the Cove. You can also earn stamps for your Stamp Book while playing certain mini-games.

Parties are probably what we are most well-known for. Typically around once a month, we throw a different celebration where you and your friends can make many wonderful memories together.

However, the most important thing you can do in Club Penguin is to waddle around and meet new friends! Making connections is what makes Club Penguin so special, so don’t be afraid to say hello to your fellow penguins!

There are many other things that you can do, but if I were to list them all this article would practically become a novel! Not to mention, I feel that the best is yet to come! With that being said, I wish you the best time on our snowy island.

Dear Aunt Arctic,

I’m trying to become a ninja by playing Card-Jitsu, but I can’t find many penguins to battle. What should I do?

- oppositecave

Dear oppositecave, 

The ninja journey is surely a challenging one! Only a select few penguins have been able to conquer it and become a ninja. However, you should not let that stop you or anyone from rising to the occasion.

Here’s a quick tip for getting some matches. Our Community Event Board, located at the Lakeside, gets updated every Monday. I hear that those in charge of selecting events are highly favoring Card-Jitsu related ones in an effort to get more penguins to feel more comfortable playing the game. If you wish to find more matches, check the event board for when the next Card-Jitsu Meetup may be. I wish you all the best!

If you have a question about our snowy island, let me know! I’d love to hear from you. 

Submit one here at:

That wraps up this week’s edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article! Thank you for stopping by, penguins. As with every Monday, new Community Events have been posted at the Lakeside! To those who attend any of these events, I hope you have a wonderful time!

Until next time… waddle on!

- Aunt Arctic