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Aunt Arctic's Article #31

Aunt Arctic's Article #31

Hello, penguins!

Welcome to another edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article. Last time, we discussed additions to the Medieval Party and a change in the weather. This week, we’re recapping the party, taking another look at the weather forecast, and seeing what could be in store for this month's edition of the Penguin Style!

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Medieval Recap!

After just over two weeks of fun, the Medieval Party has come to a close. Penguins had been looking forward to this particular celebration for quite some time, and it seems that it did not disappoint! I asked some penguins what their favorite part of the party was, and here’s what they had to say:

“This may be the obvious choice, but my favorite part was the Ye Knight’s Quest trilogy! I especially enjoyed the third one, the Hydra battle was intense!”

“My favorite part about the party was the Tree Forts, it’s such a cozy spot to hang out. I wish that they could stay on the island forever!”

“I really liked spending time in the Lighthouse with fellow wizards. The amount of spells that we came up with were endless. I hope the party returns again in the future!”

My personal favorite part was the Book Room. Reading all of those medieval stories was incredible! Judging by the reaction of the island, I think it would be quite wise to throw another Medieval Party in the future. Let’s hope it doesn’t take nearly three years this time!

Wonderful Weather We’re Having!

Last week, we discussed some ominous storm clouds heading towards the island, and now they are covering the entirety of the island! However, what happens next is still not entirely known. I spoke to Gary the Gadget Guy to see if he had any further updates:

“Typically we only get storm clouds right around when the Halloween Party commences. However, it is clearly not October, so this is entirely new. Will it just be the clouds? Will it rain, thunderstorm even? Weather like this can be unpredictable, so we should prepare ourselves for the chance of severe weather.” - Gary

It is also unknown how long this weather will last, but in the event things do get hairy, be sure to have your igloos prepared with supplies!

New Outfits on the Way!

The Gift Shop is expecting new clothes to arrive in the coming days, penguins will be able to create some lovely outfits with the newest attire the shop has to offer. This is what the Gift Shop Manager had to say regarding the newest shipment:

“If I’m being honest, I’m actually not aware of what the theme for this Penguin Style will be. Normally when we are expecting a new shipment of clothes, we’re given an idea of what it will be in advance. However, this time that didn’t happen. Your guess is as good as mine! Whatever it may be, I’m sure penguins will enjoy it.” - Gift Shop Manager

Much like the weather, this month’s theme for Penguin Style also appears to be a mystery. Be on the lookout for new fashions very soon!

Extra Extra!

Ask Aunt Arctic

Dear Aunt Arctic,

Does it ever become challenging to spend quality time with your puffles when you’re always so busy? How do you manage to keep a work-life balance? 

- SapphSwirl

Dear SapphSwirl,

There definitely can be days that I find myself a bit overwhelmed with both work and life! However, it is very much possible to achieve a proper balance.

One thing that helps me is avoiding burn out when writing, and I do that by setting aside a certain amount of time each day to do so. Then, I use the remaining time of the day to take care of both my puffles and myself!

We all know what puffles enjoy, but I enjoy reading a good book or cooking in my downtime. I’m very grateful to have found a good work-life balance, and I hope those that are reading this are able to as well!

Dear Aunt Arctic,

What do you think about oranges?

- Mr Penguin64

Dear Mr Penguin64, 

Oranges are quite delicious, especially when the weather is on the warmer side! For us, that’s basically a temperature that isn’t a negative number!

I also enjoy the color orange as well. I've always found it interesting how it’s one of two fruits to be directly named after its color. The only other fruit in that category would be peaches, with blueberries being close to this!

I never pictured myself answering a question about oranges, but here I am! Thank you for asking such a thought-provoking question.


Q: Why don’t penguins like talking to strangers at parties?

A: Because they find it hard to break the ice!

- Bnunez

Q: Why did the knight bring a snowball to battle?

A: Because they heard their enemies were ice cold!

- Brunostalgic


Q: I’m small and round, but I’m not a ball. I come in colors, and I’m fun for all. What am I?

A: A puffle!

- Azeeno

Q: What has to fall in order to climb?

A: An acorn!

- Amos


Puffles bounce and play all day,

Colorful in every way.

The green one soars up in the air,

While the pink one dives without a care.

The red one surfs the roaring sea,

Brave and wild, so bold and free.

Every puffle brings delight,

Making every day feel so bright!

- fairy tale

If you have a question, joke, riddle, or poem to share, let your voice be heard! I’d love to hear from you. By being featured in one of my articles, you’ll receive your very own Blue Book. Be published three times and you can earn the Blue Mail Bag!  

Submit here at:

That wraps up this week’s edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article! Thank you for stopping by, penguins. I’ll see you all next time!

Until next time… waddle on!

- Aunt Arctic