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Aunt Arctic's Article #30

Aunt Arctic's Article #30

Hello, penguins!

Welcome to another edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article. Last time, we sat down with the host of the Medieval Party, Gary the Gadget Guy, for a one-on-one interview! This week, we’re taking a look at additions to the festivities and something else on the horizon…

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A New Hot Spot!

This past Thursday, Ye Knight’s Quest II was unveiled in the Underground Pool. Brave knights and princesses are able to venture deep into a volcano to take on a new set of challenges!

These challenges test both the body and mind. They include finding a way to unveil a path, a sliding door puzzle and the biggest of all: a dragon battle! This dragon is capable of setting entire rooms on fire with its mighty blaze, so it’s highly advised that penguins be quick on their feet while battling it. 

At the end of the quest, you’ll be able to earn some neat treasures straight from the Dragon’s Den itself. These will help signify that you were courageous enough to conquer the quest! Be sure to check it out before the party concludes!

Triple Threat!

Meanwhile, Ye Knight’s Quest III, the conclusion of the trilogy, will be opening sometime tomorrow! Rumor has it that this particular Knight’s Quest will find yourself in an underground castle!

Not only will the challenges be harder than any of the quests, but there are also rumors of a ferocious beast leaving inside. We’ll need as many daring penguins as possible to take it down, as it’ll be three times harder than anything you’ve ever faced throughout these quests.

And of course, it will feature the finest of rewards fit for a knight. It will also feature the last set of Island Quests for the party, so be sure to complete those as well!

Clouds on the Horizon!

After looking through the Beacon Telescope, it would appear that dark storm clouds are making their way to the island! I spoke to Gary the Gadget Guy to see if he had any insight regarding this news:

“Yes, I have indeed noticed the change in weather approaching. I am making sure to stay on top of that, but for now I do not have much information regarding why it’s happening. The only thing I noticed was how they began to appear while tweaking my time machine. Rest assured, the island will be kept safe. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must continue looking into this matter.” - Gary

Gary said that he’ll provide us updates as soon as they become available to him, but for now he says to keep enjoying the Medieval Party while it lasts. In addition to this, he also hopes to see others around during more visits!

Extra Extra!

Ask Aunt Arctic

Dear Aunt Arctic,

As a journalist, you must have met so many interesting penguins. Who is the most inspiring penguin you’ve interviewed, and what made them so special?

- pinkcoffee

Dear pinkcoffee,

It’s true, I have had the honor of interviewing many great penguins. All of which have been inspiring in their own different ways!

Dot inspired me with her eye for fashion, Rory for his endless work in construction, Puffle Handler for her noble work with puffles, Rockhopper for his courageous adventures, Bambadee for his kindness, Gary for his intelligence, Sensei for his wisdom and Rookie for his comedy!

It would be impossible for me to pick a sole favorite, but it just goes to show you how not one penguin on this island is alike. I look forward to interviewing even more interesting penguins in the future!

Dear Aunt Arctic,

What happens to all of the decorations after parties conclude? Is there a big storage unit for them to all sit in until they are needed again one day?

- TigerofWind1

Dear TigerofWind1, 

You sure enjoy asking interesting questions that never come to my mind! Rory typically takes care of all things relating to construction, so they would probably have the best answer. If you happen to see them around, I’m sure they’d love to answer your question!

A giant storage unit seems to make the most sense, as we have plenty of decorations for many parties, it would be very efficient to keep them all in one place!

Perhaps that may even keep them all in the Box Dimension, that would be a good use for that place! At least I believe so!


Q: What do you call a sad raspberry?

A: A blueberry!

- Sumdogg

Q: Why are igloos so popular in the North Pole?

A: Because they’re the coolest homes around!

- MoneyT


Q: I grow when I roll, but I melt when I stay. What am I?

A: A snowball!

- fairy tale

Q: If you were running a race, and you passed the person in second place, what place would you be in now?

A: Second place!

- Borza1234


Snowflakes dance and penguins play,

Sliding ‘round all night and day. 

Puffles bounce with fur so bright,

Keeping penguins warm at night.

The Dojo hums with ninja skill,

While sleds race down the snowy hills.

The Pizza Parlor’s oven glows, 

Serving slices stacked in rows.

Missions call for secret spies,

With gadgets, codes and a big disguise.

Hidden keys and caves to find,

Mysteries fill the penguin mind!

From the Town to Iceberg, from shore to sea,

Club Penguin’s where we love to be!

- Rockit14

Penguins gather side by side,

Jackhammers humming, full of pride.

Drilling, stomping, flippers high,

Will we tip it? Let’s all try!

The ice it shakes, a sudden slide…

Splash! We did it! What a ride!


If you have a question, joke, riddle, or poem to share, let your voice be heard! I’d love to hear from you. By being featured in one of my articles, you’ll receive your very own Blue Book. Be published three times and you can earn the Blue Mail Bag!  

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That wraps up this week’s edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article! Thank you for stopping by, penguins. I’ll see you all next time!

Until next time… waddle on!

- Aunt Arctic