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Aunt Arctic's Article #29

Aunt Arctic's Article #29

Hello, penguins!

Welcome to another edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article. Last time, we took a look at the new Igloo Catalogs, Medieval Party construction, and some further insight with the party before its arrival! This week, I sat down with the host of the festivities, Gary the Gadget Guy, for a one-on-one interview!

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Ye Olde Gary Interview!

Aunt Arctic: Hello, Gary! Thank you for sitting down for a chat with me!

Gary: Of course, Aunt Arctic! Anything for a dear friend of mine.

Aunt Arctic: Now, this is the first Medieval Party in nearly three years, what made you want to bring it back to the island?

Gary: Well, to put it simply, the Medieval Party is one of my favorite celebrations, alongside the Halloween Party. Like you stated, it had been a long time since this party had been thrown, and many penguins wanted to see it once again. So, I immediately got to work once the time was finally right.

Aunt Arctic: Now, within the Underground Pool there are three Knight’s Quests penguins can complete. The first one has been released, but the other two are arriving later in the party. Are you able to provide us any insight into the other two?

Gary: Sure, but I’ll try to keep it subtle! For Ye Knight’s Quest II, I suggest you wear attire that is suitable for rather warm conditions. As for Ye Knight’s Quest III, let’s just say that the final challenge will be three times the fun.

Aunt Arctic: Oh, interesting! I hope they don’t prove to be too much of a tall order! Now, the Medieval Party has many elements to it: knights, princesses, royalty, dragons, and more! Which aspect of it do you enjoy the most?

Gary: For me personally, wizardry is surely my favorite part of medieval times. With all the spells and potions they have, the possibilities for what penguins can create are endless! Being a wizard back then is like being a scientist in the modern day, a perfect fit for me I must say!

Aunt Arctic: I agree, wizards are marvelous! You probably knew that I was going to ask this question, but I will ask anyway! Are there any inventions you’ve been working on recently?

Gary: Haha, I did in fact know you were going to ask me that! Sadly, I must keep that information under the radar for now… but time will tell! Besides, I must focus on the time machine first!

Aunt Arctic: No worries, Gary. Thank you so much for partaking in this interview!

Gary: The pleasure is all mine, Aunt Arctic.

Extra Extra!

Ask Aunt Arctic

Dear Aunt Arctic,

Have you met Sensei? I heard he is refusing to get his beard trimmed. Me and some other penguins have started a petition for him to go to the barber.

- Enyinna

Dear Enyinna,

I have met Sensei, yes! He is the wisest penguin on the entire island, if you are ever in need of any advice, he is surely the penguin to go to.

As for his beard, I think it looks just fine! I think his beard is more well-kept than Rockhopper’s, his beard is a bit more all over the place. I hope you don’t tell him I said that though!

At the end of the day, anyone can look however they want to look! All that matters is that you’re happy with how you see yourself.

Dear Aunt Arctic,

Does the Coffee Shop actually use all those bean bags from Bean Counters?

- TigerofWind1

Dear TigerofWind1, 

I never really thought about this! When taking on Bean Counters, there definitely are a lot of bean bags being unloaded… in addition to anvils, flower pots and fish for some reason.

The Coffee Shop is one of the best spots to chill out on the island, so I’m sure they do great business! I would hope that they use all of the bean bags delivered to them!

If not, they probably have a method to properly dispose of any that do not get used before they go stale. Interesting question I must say!


Q: Why could the bicycle not get back up?

A: It was two-tired!

- blitznblazn

Q: Why do witches hate the sand?

A: Because it turns them into sandwiches!

- SoupyBoopy


Q: I’m a type of tree, yet I fit in your hand, what am I?

A: A palm tree!

- matchameep


The Pizza Parlor’s scents delight,

With cheesy slices, fresh and bright.

I’d spin the dough, I’d toss it high,

Then serve it hot to a passerby.

Down in the Mine, I’d work for gold,

A jackhammer strike, the gems unfold. 

Then off to surf on tidal thrills, 

Dodging glaciers and chasing spills.

- Aphrodiitee

Rory the penguin, strong and true,

Building a kingdom with a medieval view.

With hard hat on and tool in hand,

He works all day, making the castle grand.

Walls are built and banners fly high,

Dragons’ treasure rests in the dungeon nearby!

- Sleepy Pengu

If you have a question, joke, riddle, or poem to share, let your voice be heard! I’d love to hear from you. By being featured in one of my articles, you’ll receive your very own Blue Book. Be published three times and you can earn the Blue Mail Bag!  

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That wraps up this week’s edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article! Thank you for stopping by, penguins. I’ll see you all next time!

Until next time… waddle on!

- Aunt Arctic