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Aunt Arctic's Article #27

Aunt Arctic's Article #27

Hello, penguins!

Welcome to another edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article. Last time, we took a look at what the month of January had to offer! This week, we’ll be looking at the conclusion of Rookie’s week of performances of The Twelfth Fish, the release of a new Penguin Style, and what lies ahead in the month of February!

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A True Showstopper!

As many of you were aware, Rookie visited this past week to put on his own shows of The Twelfth Fish! I happened to sneak in to see a performance, and I have to say it was marvelous! I  could not get enough.

The Countess, Bard, Jester and Fish all had fantastic performances, accompanied by the hilarious dialogue from the script! The music was quite elegant, the special effects really made the show pop and the set was beautiful! 

Rookie may have a career as a playwright in his future! It would seem that he had a wonderful time working on the show with such a dedicated group of penguins. He may not be visiting anymore for the time being, but The Twelfth Fish is here to stay for some time. Enjoy it while you can, I sure know I did!

Out with the Old and in with Ye Olde!

This past Friday, a new Penguin Style catalog was released in the Gift Shop. Based on the items, it would appear that the Medieval Party is making its long-awaited return this month! I spoke to the Gift Shop Manager and this is what they had to say:

“This is a catalog specially designed for a party that penguins have been wanting to return for years now! From knights, kings, queens, dragons, there are plenty of options for what role you wish to take on during the festivities!” - Gift Shop Manager

The new Penguin Style catalog will have everything you need for the upcoming festivities! Be sure to save up and get everything you want before the time comes!

Hark! A New Party Approaches!

As mentioned before, the Medieval Party is finally returning to the island later this month! This has been a highly requested celebration, as the last Medieval Party was all the way back in May 2022! The island had a much smaller population back then. The host of the party has big plans in mind, and I was able to speak with him:

“I’ve been wanting to throw this party again for quite some time now, and that time has finally come! We’ll need some daring penguins to take on some noble tasks to keep our island safe from harm's way. In addition to this, there will be magic, riches, delicious feasts and more! I look forward to seeing it all come together. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to continue my work on another 3000!” - Gary

That’s right! Gary will be returning for the festivities and he could barely contain his excitement as I talked to him. The Medieval Party will be arriving later this month, and we’ll be sure to keep you posted on any further details.

Extra Extra!

Ask Aunt Arctic

Dear Aunt Arctic,

Who has a stronger prescription for their glasses, you or Gary?

- TigerofWind1

Dear TigerofWind1,

This is quite an interesting question! I believe if there was ever a scenario where the two of us happened to lose our glasses, I would fare better with seeing without them.

However, I don’t mean to pat myself on the back or anything, it’s simply that Gary cannot even keep his eyes fully open when his glasses are off! His tactic when he loses his glasses is to squint and crawl.

Thankfully, I am able to keep my eyes fairly open and waddle. Let’s just hope that neither of us lose our glasses, as they are an important part of our lives!

Dear Aunt Arctic,

What games can you play with your puffles?

- Lilac Flora

Dear Lilac Flora, 

Several puffles are able to play games with you! Outside of spending time with your loving pets, you get to earn some extra coins and stamps by bringing them along! Below is a guide for which color puffles are able to enter which game:

Black Puffle = Cart Surfer

Green Puffle = Jet Pack Adventure

Pink Puffle = Aqua Grabber

Purple Puffle = Dance Contest

Red Puffle = Catchin’ Waves

As of now, these are the only puffles that are able to enter a minigame. If you have any of these breeds of puffle, I hope you have a wonderful time playing with them!


Q: Why did the penguin cross the ocean?

A: To get to the other tide!

- Lady Wiggles

Q: Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?

A: Because they were out-standing in their field!

- hiitomars


Q: I can swim, I can’t fly, I like fish and I’m always wearing a tuxedo. What am I?

A: A penguin!

- penguinskate


ZOOM ZOOM, this is fun.

Here I go, down Ridge Run!

I know that this is just a guess,

But I think I’ll go down the Express!

I’m gonna win, yes I will,

And finish first on Bunny Hill!

I love sled racing, more than a bread bun,

My favorite track is Penguin Run!

- IceyCubes

Rookie the penguin, green and bright,

Waddles around with pure delight.

He’s spreading joy in the snowy land,

A Club Penguin hero, always so grand!

With his propeller hat, he’s ready to soar,

Bringing fun and laughter, who could ask for more?

- Sleepy Pengu

If you have a question, joke, riddle, or poem to share, let your voice be heard! I’d love to hear from you. By being featured in one of my articles, you’ll receive your very own Blue Book. Be published three times and you can earn the Blue Mail Bag!  

Submit here at:

That wraps up this week’s edition of Aunt Arctic’s Article! Thank you for stopping by, penguins. I’ll see you all next time!

Until next time… waddle on!

- Aunt Arctic