Greetings to all Parents, Guardians, and Children! If you've landed on this page after scanning a QR code from one of our official Club Penguin Legacy videos, we're glad to have you here. However, we want to remind you that scanning random QR codes online can be risky and pose a threat to your safety. It's crucial to exercise caution when scanning QR codes and ensure that you're only accessing safe and trustworthy websites. Stay safe and enjoy browsing responsibly!

Why is it dangerous?

It's important to be cautious when scanning QR codes online that you're not familiar with, as they may lead you to unsafe or harmful websites. When you scan a QR code, take a moment to ensure that the website you're about to visit is recognizable and secure, especially if your child is using the device. Many camera or QR scanning apps will show you a preview of the link before you click, which can help you determine whether it's safe to proceed or not. Stay vigilant and protect yourself and your family while browsing online.


With the increasing use of the internet, it's essential to ensure that your children stay safe online. The #StaySafeOnline initiative encourages safe internet usage and highlights the potential risks associated with online activities. As a parent, you can play a vital role in promoting safe online behavior by monitoring your child's internet usage and teaching them about online safety. It's important to discuss the dangers of sharing personal information, interacting with strangers online, and downloading unknown files. By working together to promote responsible online behavior, we can keep our children safe and protected from online threats.

Learn more about #StaySafeOnline

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